You can’t have one without the other.

The manifested and the unmanifested are one. You just focus too much on the manifested. It’s like the good and the bad are one, but people tend to be too caught up in the bad to notice the good that comes from it. Silence is unmanifested, but people usually focus on sound which is manifested. It’s the same on all different levels in all different contexts.

I’ve been bed-bound all day because I’ve been ill, but I’m feeling a lot better now so I decided to step outside for some fresh air. It’s foggy and overcast outside tonight. Therefore, I couldn’t see the stars through the sky. Usually, this disappoints me, as I love staring at the stars more than most things in the world. But tonight, I felt anything but disappointment. If the clouds were never there, I wouldn’t have this deep appreciation of what can be seen beyond them. We need this curtain. We need not to be able to see beyond the earth at times to appreciate all that is beyond it. The sky is beautiful, no matter what you look at.